Penile Implant
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Penile Implant After Priapism and Removal of Infected Prosthesis
Mr. K.R. developed an abnormal prolonged erection called Priapism. Blood was trapped in the penis, and he required a shunt to drain the blood. However, he developed erectile dysfunction and underwent a penile implant that became infected and eroded through the tip of the penis. This was removed leading to severe scarring of the penis. He then saw 10 different Urologists as he had an HMO that refused to authorize care at our Center. Finally, several years later, after the HMO was unable to find a Urologist in the HMO network with expertise in complex re-do penile implant surgery, approval was granted for care at the Center for Reconstructive Urology where Mr. R. underwent successful placement of a penile implant.
Category: Erectile Dysfunction